We assessed the stock status of mud crabs (Scylla serrata) in Indragiri Hilir, Riau Province, Indonesia, using a length-based spawning potential ratio (SPR) model. Between December 2021 and January 2023, we sampled 13,409 mud crabs (6434 males and 6975 females) from small-scale commercial fisheries. Their carapace length ranged from 5.60 to 17.50 cm, with the majority within a 9.60–10.30 cm range. The length at first capture was 8.32 cm for females and 8.47 cm for males, it is below their respective lengths at first maturity, measured at 11.00 cm for females and 9.77 cm for males, indicating harvest of immature crabs. Growth constants were 0.31 per year for females and 0.26 per year for males, with a natural mortality rate of 0.83 per year and 0.75 per year, respectively. The exploitation rate based on SPR was 4 % for females and 6 % for males, suggesting overfishing. To ensure sustainable management of mud crab fisheries, regulatory measures such as reducing fishing efforts, introducing seasonal fishing closures, and enforcing minimum size limits are recommended.