30 x 30 is an ambitious goal to protect 30% of the planet by 2030.
In December 2022, the city of Montreal hosted the single most important conversation about nature conservation for a generation. As a result, the world now has an ambitious international framework to restore nature, recognising Indigenous peoples and local communities as ‘custodians of biodiversity and partners in its conservation, restoration and sustainable use’.
The framework commits governments to protect at least 30 percent of land and sea by 2030. Currently, only 8% of the ocean is protected in some way, which means that this so-called 30×30 commitment will require an almost quadrupling of ocean conservation by 2030.
Such an unprecedented expansion of conservation brings complex challenges, opportunities and trade-offs. There are enormous practical difficulties in putting 30×30 into practice effectively, and potentially widespread negative consequences to communities who depend upon nature from doing so.
Blue Ventures is a conservation organisation. We recognise the critical importance of increasing ocean protection. And we believe that conservation led by communities, for communities, is the only viable pathway to protection of our coastal seas at scale, ensuring that fundamental rights aren’t extinguished and equity isn’t undermined in the rush to deliver the additional conservation our ocean so badly needs. We want to see a world where marine conservation moves well beyond targets to protect 30% of the ocean, and focuses instead on community-led management of nearshore waters in ways that benefit people and nature alike, delivering sustainable fisheries, vibrant oceans, and improved food security for over a billion people.
Blue Ventures believes that the best way to protect nature is to protect the human rights of those who live among it and depend upon it.
Throughout the discussions about the UN’s global biodiversity framework, we worked to ensure that community voices and interests were front and centre. Now, we are continuing to work with government partners worldwide to ensure an equitable, effective and successful interpretation of the framework through the following nine commitments.
Recognise and respect communities’ title, tenure, access, and resource rights to land and ocean. Adhere to and uphold international agreements and norms, including the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.
Recognise that Free, Prior and Informed Consent means respecting the rights of communities and Indigenous peoples to not participate in the 30×30 process and not have their territories designated as Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) or protected areas.
Ensure that the burdens and benefits arising from protection are shared justly and equitably, so that the earth’s most vulnerable people are not disproportionately affected. In line with the commitments in the framework, recognise and respect the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities, and ensure their full and meaningful participation and decision-making in fulfilling the 30×30 commitment.
Explicitly recognise women’s equal rights to natural resources – as outlined in target 23 of the framework – and ensure their full and meaningful participation and leadership in decision-making relating to the implementation of conservation measures to fulfil the 30×30 commitment.
For protected areas where there is a high degree of government involvement and a strict level of protection, establish open and robust grievance mechanisms to resolve tenure disputes and ensure community voices are heard and elevated at the international level. Require robust, internationally recognised human rights safeguards and accountability mechanisms. Ensure that protected area authorities report publicly on these dimensions and tie continued funding to performance.
Explicitly recognise Indigenous peoples and local communities as primary decision makers in conservation efforts. Ensure that Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) and OECMs are the default mechanisms for conservation in coastal waters and network them together – ecologically and socially – to maximise benefits for people and nature alike. Strive to make 30% of individual areas highly protected, particularly where they cover key habitats. Recognise that conservation is about less destruction as well as more protection – establish community-driven exclusion zones across all suitable areas of coastal waters to help counteract threats like destructive industrial fishing.
Develop and implement sustainable & flexible long-term funding for community-based initiatives like LMMAs and OECMs at regional and national levels, making use of innovative approaches to channel funds directly to local organisations and community associations. Recognise the potential of LMMAs and OECMS to achieve lasting conservation outcomes, with funding tied to performance.
Streamline and simplify legal frameworks at national levels for community-based initiatives like LMMAs and share best practice globally through learning networks.
Transform access to information and empower communities to adaptively manage and rebuild their fisheries through digital data collection, analysis and reporting. Increase ambition and support for basic skills, training and market information to reduce spoilage and losses, improve quality and earn fairer prices.
Ultimately, 30×30 can only succeed if it emphasises the primacy of human rights, and puts communities first. Only a community-led 30×30 can ensure the fundamental rights aren’t extinguished and equity isn’t undermined in the rush to deliver the additional conservation our ocean so badly needs. Only a community-led 30×30 can benefit people and nature alike, delivering sustainable fisheries, vibrant oceans, and improved food security for over a billion people.