
BBC News: People Fixing The World

Blue Ventures on BBC’s People Fixing The World for BBC World Service about how the lionfish projects we support in Belize are protecting the local

RE:BALANCE – Restoring Oceans

RE:TV has made a film that documents BV’s strategy and years of work to control invasive red lionfish species in Belize.

Caribbean Spiny Lobster (featured)

Blog: The Caribbean Spiny Lobster

From fishery closures to how to measure a carapace, our volunteers in Belize found out everything they could ever have wanted about the Caribbean Spiny Lobster!

Building capacity with the Belize Defence Force

Blue Ventures has worked in Belize since 2010 and as well as our conservation, research and volunteer activities we work closely with Belizean Government departments and community-based organisations.

The Reporter: Fine jewellery from lionfish?

The Reporter published an article covering the lionfish jewellery workshop in Belize, and interviewed our country coordinator, Jen Chapman, about the benefits of this venture

Love FM Making Waves: Lionfish in Belize

Jennifer Chapman, BV’s Belize Country Coordinator, appeared on LoveFM’s Making Waves radio show, where she talked about our efforts to tackle the lionfish invasion.