small-scale fisheries

New grant from Arcadia puts social justice at the heart of ocean conservation

Arcadia has awarded Blue Ventures a grant to support our core operations over the next five years. This vital support reflects our shared commitment to scaling up human rights-based approaches to marine conservation, to enhancing ocean governance, and to taking action to eliminate destructive fishing practices.

Small-scale fishers launch global call

Loop wrote about the small-scale fishers and community representatives who had come to the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon to address their exclusion from the

IPNLF: The Value of Small-Scale Fisheries

A collaborative film produced by IPNLF, Asosiasi Perikanan Pole & Line dan Handline, Masyarakat Perikanan dan Indonesia, and Blue Ventures highlights why small-scale fisheries should be prioritised in global supply chains.

Blog: Fisheries management that works for everyone

For three years, Blue Ventures has been working with stakeholders and communities in Tsimipaika Bay, northwest Madagascar, to develop an innovative, integrated and consensual Fisheries Management Plan.

Blog: Opening day in the Barren Isles

Two fishing communities in the Barren Isles archipelago of western Madagascar recently closed part of their octopus fishing grounds for two months. Was the wait worth it? Caroline Holo tells the full story from opening day

USAID Timor-Leste: The sea that sustains us

Blue Ventures recently contributed to a USAID film that celebrates the diversity and beauty in the seas of Timor-Leste, and shows the importance of the marine environment in the everyday lives of Timorese people.

Explore: Avy

Blue Ventures has released a new Explore Photo Story to coincide with World Fisheries Day.