Blog: Scaling up the success of lionfish management through practitioner exchange
Four delegates from Colombia recently visited Belize to learn about market-based approaches to invasive lionfish control.
Four delegates from Colombia recently visited Belize to learn about market-based approaches to invasive lionfish control.
Belize Country Coordinator Jennifer Chapman distills her thoughts on why interdisciplinary skills are a must for effective conservation.
TULEAR, 2 July 2010. Madagascar’s national media turned its attention to the coastal city of Toliara on 2nd July as the country’s Prime Minister and 16 government ministers descended on the regional capital for the inauguration of the Ministry of Fisheries’ new regional headquarters.
Andavadoaka, Madagascar. Blue Ventures’ conservation scientist Gildas Andriamalala recently returned to Madagascar to establish the country’s first Rare Pride Campaign, after receiving nine weeks of intensive training in the use of social marketing and communication in conservation,
5th June 2005
Th event is part of educational programme to raise conservation awareness among villagers
The importance of protecting the environment and its resources is a fundamental aspect of Blue Ventures’ work. On the 5th June, World Environment Day 2005, Blue Ventures hosted a ‘Beach Clean-up’ competition for the children of Andavadoaka village.