BV’s first Regional Advisory Council sets sail in Indonesia
In a crucial step toward realising our 2030 vision, we’re empowering community-based action to manage and protect coastal seas through the initiation of Blue Ventures’ first Regional Advisory Council (RAC). The Asia-Pacific Council is formed of community-based regional experts and will facilitate inclusive, participatory, and informed grassroots decision making on community-based fisheries management across the region.
The Council officially launched in Bali, Indonesia earlier this year as an expert collective for Asia-Pacific, bringing together seven representatives from leading local organisations in Indonesia and the Philippines. Inaugural members are Gayatri Reksodihardjo from the LINI Foundation, Rene Vidallo from People and the Sea, Joshua Taylor from Ecosystem Impact, Herbert Panggabean from Yayasan Mitra Insani, Pius Jodho from Yayasan Tananua Flores, Yusran Massa from Yayasan Hutan Biru, and Nurain Lapolo from JAPESDA.
The formation of our first Advisory Council is an important milestone on our pathway to scale and our journey supporting the community-based organisations that have the proximity, presence and permanence to lead lasting change across the coast.

The launch also heralds a step-change in marine conservation financing; one that leverages local expertise to advise how and where valuable funding is delivered. The RAC model is a vital mechanism for the delivery of the Frontline Community Fund (FCF), an innovative financing method managed by BV to drive catalytic and flexible, multi-year funding directly to local organisations on the frontlines of the ocean emergency. As a key advisory body, the Council will also provide strategic guidance for Blue Ventures, recommending suitable local organisations to our growing partner network, and contributing locally-relevant insight to impact evaluation.
“I am happy that each of us represents different regions in Indonesia, and we even have one representative from the Philippines. This diversity allows us to bring a broad range of perspectives rooted in local realities, leading to more balanced and effective decision making for BV and the FCF,” said Nurain Lapolo, Director of JAPESDA.
During its inaugural meeting, RAC members laid the foundations for its role, formulating three key recommendations to guide its direction.
The first defined the Council’s core values and guiding principles to extend beyond the formal Terms of Reference, ensuring alignment with BV’s mission and synergy with regional conservation efforts.
The second established key criteria for assessing potential locations for recommendation, ensuring that decisions are guided by both best practice and first-hand experience.
The Council also explored opportunities beyond existing frameworks, including the potential use of addressable market surveys to refine programme planning and implementation, allowing for the development of more tailored and practical local solutions to support coastal communities in their conservation efforts.

The Council also formally agreed its leadership structure and set a schedule for governance throughout 2025.
“With valuable expertise and recommendations from the Council, we are confident that the FCF mechanism will reach the right organisations and target areas, further strengthening our commitment to inclusive and impactful conservation efforts,” said Sharon Young, Blue Ventures’ Chief Partnership Officer.
The Regional Advisory Council model will be replicated across the coastal tropics, building a growing network to catalyse, expand and sustain their work together, safeguarding our oceans and securing a sustainable future for generations to come.
To find out more about financing the frontline of the ocean emergency, visit the Frontline Community Fund website.