The Kinship Conservation Fellows programme seeks to catalyse positive and lasting conservation impact by investing in practitioners who are seeking to implement effective and innovative solutions to environmental problems.
Kitty Brayne, Blue Ventures’ Global Technical Lead for LMMA Programmes, participated in the Fellows programme in 2016, and discusses her experience and learning in an interview for their Fellows Stories series:
“I came to the Fellows program looking to explore ways to support Velondriake, Madagascar’s first locally-managed marine area (LMMA). I wanted to find ways of capturing more value from fisheries and aquaculture supply chains, and to incentivise and enable communities to make long-term investments such as no-take marine reserves.
Our updated strategy for our work in southwest Madagascar builds on the themes I explored during the Fellows program, including: developing mutually beneficial conservation agreements to underpin our work, reinforcing collaboration and dialogue between stakeholders to implement an ambitious fisheries improvement project, and reinforcing the leadership capabilities of the LMMA managers.
As we continue to expand our work to new sites and countries, I’m working with colleagues to ensure that as an organisation, Blue Ventures retains and reinforces our core approach of dialogue and collective problem solving, which was critical to the success we achieved when we worked with our first partner communities in Madagascar, as well as the success stories that I learned from during the Fellows program.”
Read the full interview from Kitty Brayne and the Kinship Conservation Fellows: Sustainable management of fisheries: a bottom up approach to win conservation results
Read how another Blue Ventures employee, Belize Country Manager Jen Chapman, benefitted from her Kinship Conservation Fellows programme: Growing markets for lionfish: increasing the value of an invasive fish species in Belize